35mm Slide Scanning to Digital Images
35mm slides were in their abundance before the advent of digital photography and the use of mobile phones. Your parents, grandparents and even great grandparents would have used this medium to create the family photo collection. We offer specialist services to preserve and convert those precious family memories into modern digital format images. Scanned slides can be saved to C-D or DVD, USB storage or sent via email transfer as we would do for any or our scanning options from standard film.
We have additional services like enhancement to bring the images to a visual standard, by adjusting the colour, density and contrast to make the images as best as we can get them.
We clean each slide before scanning to remove loose dust and a retouching service is also available to remove scratches and any chemical mould because of storage over the years. We can scan mounted and non-mounted slides and offer three sizes of scans, in JPEG or TIFF formats.
Slide Retouching Services
For slide retouching, i.e.: the removal of scratches, marks and blemishes, mould and chemical marks.
We price this service on a ‘time spent’ basis. (For example, as the time required to complete the job increases, so does the price. Hence it also depends on the level of retouching needed. Before any estimates can be made regarding prices/time scale, we would need to see the job beforehand. For more information on this service please use the contact us page under the home page tab or the panel on the home page.