MEDIUM FORMAT B/W D&P TO 10x8 MEDIUM FORMAT B/W D&P TO 10x8 From £20.00 SURFACE: [Choose]GLOSSYMATT BORDERS: [None]WITH BORDERSWITHOUT BORDERS Black & White Push Pull Services (+£1.00): [None]Pull Processing by 1 stopPull Processing by 2 stopsPush Processing by 1 stopPush Processing by 2 stops Priority Rush 48 Hour Service (+£5.00): [None]Priority 48 hour Rush Service film scanning to digital formats: [Choose]Small jpeg film scan to USB supplied by us (approx 2mb per file) (+£8.00)Small Jpeg film scans with Electronic zip file to email (+£4.00)Medium jpeg film scan to USB supplied by us(approx 5-7mb per file) (+£9.00)Medium Jpeg film scan with electronic zip file to email (+£5.00)Large Jpeg 35mm film scan to USB supplied by us(approx 17-25mb per file) (+£10.00)Large Jpeg film scans with Electronic zip file to email (+£6.00)Small Tiff film scan to USB supplied by us (approx 4.5mb per file) (+£9.00)Small Tiff film scans with Electronic zip file to email (+£5.00)Medium Tiff film scan to USB supplied by us (approx 19mb per file) (+£10.00)Medium Tiff film scans with Electronic zip file to email (+£6.00)Large Tiff film scan to USB supplied by us (approx 87mb per file) (+£11.00)No scanning required Quantity: at £20.00 each Add To Basket 0 in your basket View Basket Checkout